Two hundred posts in anthology

Two hundred posts in anthology

Writing a blog like Antología can seem tedious and complex, as it requires developing a documentary research process, selecting and investigating topics that generate interest, and also offering interesting information to my readers.

It is not an easy task, but we must seek and find the most effective way to carry it out correctly. I am pleased to celebrate 4 years of having ventured into this field, which I started in the post-pandemic with the particular inclination of preserving the academic spirit, in the elaboration of anthologies as resources that facilitate access to sources of consultation on a given topic; even as a result of academic research processes.

Basic structure of an anthology: The anthology (from the Greek anthos, “flower,” and legein, “to choose”), in my case , is an ordered and justified compilation of different topics, classified in different areas that are considered outstanding or relevant as an anthologist or anthologist. My compilations revolve around a specific topic, perspective, or historical moment, applying thematic, period, and genre criteria, among other aspects.

The ontological categories contain themes from different exhibitors, researchers and in different fields, in addition to the own productions that arise from the literary tracking of these themes, from different periods or different nature, depending on the common thread that serves as their core. It is possible, for example, to anthologize about art, the environment, football, or different versions of the same theme treated by different exhibitors or authors, at different historical moments.

In my case, anthologies are ideal for presenting diverse issues and themes in their context, which share space with other more recognized ones, or because they attract the reader by the central theme and not by the issues compiled. Therefore, variety is always a point in favor of anthologies.

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